July 19, 2014
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Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t just make my blog a travel blog. I love to travel, I work in travel…
But my travel writing has always been pretty mundane. I’m not good at reflecting on places I’ve only been to once for a brief moment. On the other hand, keeping a diary of where we went and what we ate has just never appealed to me. Not to knock all the travel blogs out there (I consult them frequently for packing tips and restaurant suggestions), but I never get from writing the salty expansion of the soul I get from traveling. For me the world was meant to be seen.
That said, I love lists. Especially lists that inspire wanderlust.
So I’ve decided to list about travel, instead of writing about it. These are my wanderlists.
Wanderlist #1: The 10 Places I Love Most (besides home, of course)
It’s only fair to start out any series of list with the broadest, most general list. So here are my 10 favorite travel destinations. Anything goes: cities, states, parks, countries. There’s no real criteria; those lists will follow. This is just my love list.
1) London – I loved London even before grad school, though that’s definitely when I tucked it deep into my soul, never to be removed. And it’s a place I found I can go back to, with others. London definitely benefits from the good company I had while I was there on visits, but more so, it benefits from its own cosmopolitanism and love of order. London is orderly without forsaking charm, whimsy, and the element of surprise.
Wanderlists: My Top 10Read More »