Reporter, Writer, Storyteller

Florence’s So-Called Life, Season 2, Ep. 4

In which Florence gains weight. (In a wistful voice) Okay. I’ll be ...

Golden Birthday Challenge: Days 26-30

Day 26: A new wine Lewis was out of town. ...

Golden Birthday Challenge: Days 17-25

Day 17: New everything. This was a biggie. Lewis and ...

Golden Birthday Challenge: Days 10-16

Day 10: A new scent  Two years ago we stayed ...

Golden Birthday Challenge: Days 5-9

It’s been a week, and we are on a roll ...

Golden Birthday Challenge: Day 2-4

Day 2: Nail decals I set the bar (no pun ...

Golden Birthday Challenge: Day 1

This year is my golden birthday. I’ll be 31 on ...

Florence’s So-Called Life, Season 2, Ep 3

In which Florence witnesses a high drama rescue. (in a ...

Wanderlists: Best Hotels- Stayed in

My mother raised us to believe that it was not ...

Wanderlists: Bookstores

One of the great joys of watching Moira grow has ...

Florence’s So-Called Life, Season 2, ep 2

In which Florence recounts a stormy night in the McNeel ...

Wanderlists: night lights

I have a thing for lights at night. Maybe because ...

Wanderlists: detours

Whenever I travel (or sometimes just in life), it’s fun ...

Wanderlists: My Top 10

Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t just make my blog ...

Mom Suit

Recently the internet has been all abuzz with post-baby mom ...

Let’s Not Make this Any Harder than it Needs to Be

I am convinced that if rearing children were easy, the ...

My New Book was Written for this Moment!

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